Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Calm Within........

Last night, I had enough. I had enough because, I wanted to him to make a real decision. I want him to confront what he feared to a certain extent. I wanted him to decide on the fate of our future, whether friendship or otherwise. And he did. And a certain sense of pride and happiness in me tells me that I am free. I am free of giving what I didn't have. I'm free of personally sacrificing and giving in the relationship. Because God knows, that I gave a lot, my friends know that I gave my all and that was all I had to give. So be happy for me because today, I'm free and it marks a new beginning where I can allow someone else to have the opportunity to love me.

A Very Free Special K

1 comment:

Darius T. Williams said...

Whew - I'm so glad you're free!