Saturday, January 6, 2007

Boy Friend Running Up Your Long Distance Charges?

Have you ever had a long distance relationship (LDR)? Long distance relationships have been a permanent fixture in my life. So much so that it possibly qualifies me to be an expert on the I have learned the science of these relationships to the point that distance doesn't become an issue anymore...often enough for the people it is still an issue. The question of whether one can be fully satisfied while in a LDR is always a pivotal issue. I've learnt that in true relationships thee question of distance is not matter at all. The most important element of the relationship is the emotional and supportive aspects. If the person is that valuable to you then there wouldn't be the question of emotional satisfaction once communication is sufficient.

Specifically, for men healthy relations consist of slot hectic, deep seated physical contact, (read with some sarcasm) BELIEVE IT OR NOT this is how most men express their feelings!!! How many times a guy runs through your mind naked is directly proportional to the strength and presence of the relationship. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. It's how we were made. Don't get me wrong there is a great difference between lust and passion, lust starts in your crotch but passion starts and is fulfilled in the mind.

So since It takes so much physicality to have a healthy relationship then how can LDR last, especially among gay men? Answer: It is emotional weakness that ends a relationship not physical dissatisfaction. A LDR won't work among immature people and most importantly one has to be able to make the best of the time they have with that person. If you don't satisfy them within the time they have with you then your leaving the gap open for cheating. So make the time and make sure you treat them in a way that they'll never leave because 5 mins with you is worth more than an hour with someone else.

Don't forget, communication is KEY....if you can't communicate then you don't stand a yourself the heart break...

Special K


Misterrr E said...

After speaking with you on the phone last I can tell that communication is key for you. You emphasized that if there was anything that a person could it was to communicate with you, and I completely agree with y ou 100%. And it's more important for 2 people to be communicate in an LDR, because you don't get to spend as much time with each other as you would like to speak about things that you would like to speak about in person. There are certain things that happen in each persons lives that will effect the relationship and without proper communication it can be detrimental. For instance, if you're in an LDR with someone and they stop calling you for a few days because they had an issue on there end that they had to deal with; you would begin to become doubtful about the person because the person isn't calling. Now if the person called you and explained the situation it would make it much better to understand and say, "Ok, take care of what you have to do and just get at me when you can". But without that the longevity of the relationship becomes doubtful. I've been through that too many times in an LDR where the person didn't call as much as I thought they should, and when they do end up calling they tell me that this and that happened that's why I didn't call. I'm like if that was the case you could've simnply picked up the phone and said so.

Another important entity of an LDR is trust and honesty. You have to be extremely trustworthy of the person that you're with, and believe that they will be faithful to you. Without that trust the relationship may begin to diminsh as well.

LDR's in general are very difficult at times especially when you just want to be next to that person for comfort. Maturity does play a big factor, because in order to maintain an LDR you have to have extreme mental and will power. When one seeks to be exclusive to be another one of the main reasons they want to be in a realtionship is for the emotional comfort during those hard times with the ability of being with your man in the time of need. Whether it be sex, emotinal distress, etc.

SpecialK261 said...

Thanks very much for the words're speaking the truth, i'm glad you support my take on the subject..let me know when you in nyc